quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010


THE EMPRESS é o áudio da gravação da primeira história escrita por Madonna e lançada em 1998 no livro THE EMPEROR´S NEW CLOTHES.

Este áudio acompanhava o livro que também continha gravações de Jeff Goldblumm,Robin Williams, Jay Leno, entre outros. O texto de Madonna é o seguinte:

"Je suis l'Impératrice!" For those who have been spared the rigors of intelligence, that's French for "I'm the Empress" - the better half of You-Know-Who.Whatever I wear looks simply divine on me. When it comes to fashion influences, I do the influencing around here! It's exhausting, really. When I heard about la pièce de résistance, the Emperor's New Clothes, I had to give my approval. My husband - although loving and fair - isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I've got to watch out for him... and me. C'est la vie....I took one look at the Weaver's work and thought, Where's the joie de vivre, the sequins, the savoir faire? It's just so sans everything. Is this a sick joke? Then it dawned on me: In fashion it's important to make a statement. Have style. Take risks. Be bold. The Weavers had created a birthday suit simple in its elegance... yet daring in its transparency!If I wasn't so clever, I'd have missed it. Quelle bonne idée! I insisted they make one for MOI immediately.

Ano passado o Inco Muller lançou em seu Holiday Share um single contendo remixes feitos em cima dessa leitura. Então eu resolvi trazê-lo pra cá, só que com uma capa nove e personalizada. O single contém a versão original e mais três remixes.

Clique AQUI para baixar o single

Agradecimentos ao Inco Muller e ao Holiday Share pelo single

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